GNL, an initiative by Pitstop Limited, is a heartfelt endeavor to advocate and instill dignity within communities through the provision of essential supplies, affectionately known as Dignity Packs. Our dedicated team meticulously conducts collaborative research and due diligence, ensuring that our Dignity Pack Day missions are tailored to meet the immediate needs of the targeted regions.
Sanitary Pads
Boxer Shorts
Shoes & Socks
Lotion & Petroleum Jelly
School Uniforms
School Bags (crafted from recycled PVC Billboard Materials)
Exercise Books & Pens
Pencils (crafted from recycled Paper)
Text Books
Geometric Sets
Leso (traditional cloth)
Shoes & Shoe Polish
Mosquito Nets
and much more!
GLN INITIATIVE NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT You have the power to contribute to the restoration of dignity in our society by partnering with us through cash donations or donating Dignity Pack Items directly
Giving back with Geometrical Sets
Givers Never Lack
Your contribution, no matter the size, can make a significant difference in someone's life. Click below to donate and be a part of the change. Every penny goes directly to the causes we support.
Click the Button Below.